Don't Let Your Marketing Automation Feel Like a Bad Guided Tour
Let’s sample a situation
where you have been to a guided tour at a foreign place.
I want to take you back
to a zone filled with excitement and many offerings in store that may overload
your senses.
What is the price of your Marketing Automation? Is it an overpriced tour ticket?
Always be candid in your
approach to know the status quo of your marketing
automation programs. Ensure that there are no data leaks
in the process and the message is consistent all through the nurture cycle. Or
else, it’s time for an update.
An obsolete system is
like an old tour guide, who knows all about the place and can’t click with the
crowd and the result is half-baked. This bitter experience can send negative
vibes of your product and the prospects may not return to you.
Though the system needs
an overhaul, incremental changes are a better way to speed up the process.
Rather than firing the tour guide and searching for a replacement, put efforts
on training him so as to connect with your audience and get the ball rolling.
As a smart marketer, you
can invest a lot in interactive content for the much needed improvements in
your systems. This content goes well with your leads to enhance the engagement
levels and harnesses the potential to score more leads and nurture them. So.
your tour will be more exciting.
It’s an arduous task to
win the hearts of your customers on Day 1. But a series of engaging content
pieces can take your there to increase the likability of your product. Make
them feel special and don’t bog them with so many downloads. Just ensure that
they are not lost in the crowd and stay with you. Make the tour more enjoyable
so that the prospects ask for a demo real soon.
Interactive Content gives a better experience.
Examples of interactive
content include sales graders, assessments, contests, quizzes, opinion polls
etc. There are innumerable use cases to get the most out of marketing
automation with the help of interactive content. These are three reasons that
can make the cut.
1. Better Profiling
Incomplete profile data
can clutter the marketing automation platforms. Your goal is to fill in those
gaps, but the only way to do that (it seems) is to present long lead forms –
dooming your conversion rates.
With interactive
content, you can include a lead form to collect your basic demographic data,
then use the questions and answers throughout the experience to gather the
specific qualifying information you and your sales team need to score, nurture
and close deals. It’s like progressive profiling wrapped in a much more
entertaining package.
Let’s say you’re
building an ROI calculator. Your audience is interested because it will help
them understand what they can expect to gain by investing in your product or
service, so they’re happy to answer questions your sales team cares about –
like how many units they might purchase, or the size of their implementation
Suddenly, your prospect
profile is filled with way more information than you had before – and your prospect
is happy to have the info on their potential investment. Win-win.
2. Greater Lead Scoring
Amusement parks excel at
guiding visitors from one ride to the next. Your marketing automation platform
should do the same through lead scoring.
Typically, marketers
base lead scoring on demographic characteristics and basic behavioral triggers
– web pages visited, content offers downloaded, etc.
Traditional lead scoring
often works well, but occasionally passes over leads that aren’t ready to talk
to sales. It also gives the salesperson little to grab on to when driving that
initial conversation.
Through interactive
content, marketers can ask questions their sales team uses to qualify leads,
passing the answers into marketing automation and on to CRM when the prospect
converts to a sales-ready lead.
3. Focused Nurturing
Many marketers invest in
marketing automation for the ability to send “one-to-many” messages with the
feeling of “one-to-one.” According to a DemandGen Report study, 73% of B2B
marketers cited better response to campaigns/offers due to targeting/relevancy
as one of the biggest benefits of lead nurturing. The challenge there is
maintaining personalization and the feeling of a true face-to-face
Segmenting for lead
nurture is important, but can be time-intensive. With a database of tens or
hundreds of thousands of leads, how can you apply unique characteristics to
each lead to give them hyper-targeted follow-up materials?
With interactive
content, you can feed all the question and answer data into your marketing
automation system and trigger nurture emails associated with those results.
This is supercharged marketing automation – rather than simply nurturing
according to behavior or demographic data, you can now nurture according to
what your prospects are really thinking and saying.
Win “Tour of the Year”
So here are the three
ways to make the most of the marketing automation system. Don’t cry about
missed opportunities and with better profiling, greater lead scoring and
focused nurturing, you will deliver more marketing qualified leads quicker than
ever. All these strategies will enable you to win tour of the year with many
visitors coming to you year after year.