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Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear Chemistry

Nuclear chemistry is a branch of chemistry in which the nuclear chemists frequently cover several areas such as organic, analytical, inorganic and physical chemistry. Nuclear analytical techniques are an important part of the arsenal of the modern analytical chemist.

The study of the actinides and trans-actinide elements has involved the joint efforts of nuclear and inorganic chemists in extending knowledge of the periodic table. Nuclear chemistry is concerned with the changes happening in the nucleus of the atom.

The emission of radiations from a radioactive material comes from the fact that a radioactive isotope is unstable and it converts to a stable isotope by emitting radiations like α, ß positron and Gamma -rays, etc. 

What is Nuclear Chemistry?

  1. A nuclear reaction is different from a chemical reaction.
  2. In a chemical reaction, atoms of the reactants combine by a rearrangement of extra nuclear electrons but the nuclei of the atoms remain unchanged.
  3. In a nuclear reaction, however, it is the nucleus of the atom which is involved.
  4. The number of protons or neutrons in the nucleus changes to form a new element itself.
"A study of the nuclear changes in atoms is termed as Nuclear chemistry".So, nuclear chemistry is the study of phenomenon involving nuclear reactions, like radioactivity. Nuclear chemistry also deals with the energy released from nuclear reactions, and its usage.

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